Weekly Blog 10 - My time is finite

— 4 minute read

Long week, that ran over me like a truck, reversed, and ran over me again just to make sure.

Ok I am being dramatic because the week is not that bad of a week, as weeks go, but definitely by the end of it I felt flattened and overstretched. The plan for the weekend is to slowly regain the shape of my soul but even then I am not sure how. The toilet flush needs to be fixed, my weak wrist needs to see the physiotherapist tomorrow, and new work shoes need to be bought because my current ones have baby holes in the soles that are growing by the day.

This is my tenth weekly blog post and I guess it’s a good time to assess where we are and if it’s worth the trouble to blog weekly. I am undecided on this. On one hand I like that there’s a built in slot every week, for me to look back at the week and reflect on it. I also enjoy looking back at past posts and see what was on my mind that week.

On the other hand it feels like work, when what I want to do on a weekend is not to look at the screen and dig further into the recesses of my tired brain for something to say, chew on that, and spit out something that passes the minimum quality assurance. Most of the time it takes longer than what I’d prefer, and it ends up occupying my mind over the whole weekend while I write bits and pieces here and there.

I think ultimately it is to acknowledge that if I am to spend x number of hours on blogging, it is x number of hours less that I have to do other things such as reading, sewing, playing the guitar, watching Friends (I’ve got Leo hooked on it now and I’m having so much fun rewatching all the seasons together), clean the house, etc etc, we get the idea.

I am tempted to loosen the commitment and say I’ll blog whenever I have something to say, but then I may not be arsed to make any effort and just end up blogging once a year, like what I did previously. Surely there is some middle path to take here. What would I do if I were the CEO of this blogpost generating machinery?


Following the CEO train of thought I wrote a big chunk of text on KPIs, but decided to just delete all of it. I have opinions but I will keep them.


It is Sunday night and I should close the post soon. The weekend actually went pretty well considering - I fixed the toilet, bought some shoes online, and saw my physio for the wrist. Fulfilled my exercise quota by working out both Saturday and Sunday mornings, foregoing all exercises requiring push movements.

And after some deliberation, I think I will probably slow down on the weekly blogging. It’s not quite sustainable with the amount of time it takes, and I do want to start working on other creative projects. Something has got to give, according to my new favourite mantra these days - “my time is finite”. The weekly blogging stint has shown that I can actually write regularly within relatively short timeframes if I need to, but at the same time I’ve found that there is really no need for that. I will write when I feel like it.

And with that - I usher in the next week, hopefully a week of more kindness, gentleness and mindfulness. And all the other good nesses.