
This is the personal website of Jun-E Tan.

I'm a policy researcher who has many interests on the side. This is where I document my explorations both professional and incidental. More about me here.

The website is perpetually in the making, so do check back for updates.

Latest blog posts

  1. Weekly Blog 10 - My time is finite

    Long week, that ran over me like a truck, reversed, and ran over me again just to make sure. Ok I am being dramatic because the week is not that bad of a week, as weeks go, but definitely by the end of it I felt flattened and overstretched. The plan for... Read more

  2. Weekly Blog 9 - By the power of grayscale

    So I have had my phone display on grayscale for the entire week, and the results are a bit mixed. I thought my screen time would be much reduced, but it was not (the daily average from last week to this week only decreased by about 10 minutes! What is... Read more

  3. Weekly Blog 8 - Fifty shades of grey

    In another attempt to distance myself from my phone, I changed the display to grayscale yesterday as an experiment. The idea is that the phone will look less appetising with no bright colours - and so far it seems that it is working. It’s more effort to... Read more

  4. Weekly Blog 7 - Oh hello

    I am back! After a month-long leave, a crazy two weeks back at work, and an intense two weeks away in training - I am finally back to regular life and an eight-to-five job at GMT+8. With full access to my arts and crafts supplies, t-shirt and shorts... Read more

  5. Weekly Blog 6 - Automating dating

    Announcing a 2-month hiatus on this blog because I will be away on leave, and after that away again on training. The work madness will probably be intense when I’m back, anticipating a huge backlog, but I will try to resume regular blogging when I get... Read more

  6. Weekly Blog 5 - Of buckets and rivers

    Sunday afternoon. Woke up from a nap just in time to hear the pitter patter of new rain. It is time to blog. Last week was very hectic, with back-to-back work events and meetings, with administrative hurdles to jump over and dance around in between. A... Read more

  7. Weekly Blog 4 - Birthday privilege

    It is a bit of a dreary Saturday morning but I am feeling upbeat because it is my birthday today. Not only that but since waking up I have been very productive - made and had breakfast, had a call with family in Buenos Aires, went for yoga, came back and... Read more

  8. Weekly Blog 3 - Averaging it out in the long run

    I decided to skip running this morning to focus on clearing life admin (which avid readers of this blog will recognise was last week’s burden transferred to this week), which took me a good two hours. And of course this is not the end of it - some tasks... Read more

  9. Weekly Blog 2 - Sunday Morning

    Woke up being annoyed at myself for making this weekly blog commitment. Don’t I have enough of things to do already? There’s also my fortnightly guitar class to go for in the afternoon, some work that I have to complete before the work week starts (you’re... Read more

  10. Weekly Blog 1 - Here comes the sun

    And I say, it’s alright - In the last week I have been a bit under the weather. It’s Raya week and I had big plans of finishing my baju kurung during the holiday, but all that went out of the window when my body decided to break down. To be fair, after... Read more